It is difficult for a science fiction author who has entertained so many readers. 2- The final triumph of reasoning, technology and its advances, other intelligent and kind aliens ... led us to a splendid future, without the need to work, or hunger, or war, just to advance in science and discover and colonize space .
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Science fiction and love novel between two people from cultures distanced in time and space. I am Montse, I studied Literature and my love for books is such that I needed to share it with more people, and so The Thousand Books arose. How to start reading science fiction?
His departure from the fantastic genre lies in his speculative capacity, that is, he reflects conjecture on possible alternative events in the world, which may occur in the past, present future. When you face a science fiction book, it may be a timely technological advance, a global social change, the conquest of space, a change in the past that changed the timeline of a purely mental event of A person from a set of them. In short, the topics that science fiction deals with can be very diverse but they have something in common: they can be explained logically, through reason.
For the latter, when you face any science fiction book, it is often the case that the first pages chapters confuse and cost a lot to take the rhythm. Some tips to face the first chapters of a science fiction book, of any book that becomes complex at the beginning: It is true that although science fiction calls me, it is a genre that has cloth, precisely because of what you mention you have to throw in the towel, because you probably don't find out at all at the beginning, but don't worry, you go ahead ajajaj That lesson was taught to me by Paolo Bacigalupi, who I think is considered science fiction although it has a dye and post-apocalyptic scroll?
I love fantasy, science fiction, mystery and Hispanic narrative. B) the disappearance, in the texts, of the "novelties" that seemed to be the justification of science fiction (the idea comes from the 19th century: that this precise and well-defined plot of fantastic literature becomes "respectable" only when he becomes a herald prophet of the advances of science and technology), and. However, after very serious questions of that optimism, generally supported by examples of the many technological horrors of the twentieth century, not only science fiction was transformed and began to offer more frequently the nightmare images that are now the norm (the more recent to spread globally: Hollywood films Cloverfield and I am a legend, are in fact refried of refried refried), but the very notion of the "future" as a space for the imagination lost the luster that it had had since the 19th century.
We need only look around: more in some places and cultures, less in others, but nowhere is optimism and expectation for the future that still prevailed forty years ago in much of popular fiction. The following lists are not intended to be canonical (they are not "all" good books) or "representative": there is not one of each trend, of each decade or of each country. One more thing: I, at least, prefer to read a book that surprises me and not one in which I know exactly what to expect, so I prefer books that cannot be easily reduced or framed.
If someone wants to use these lists as a starting point towards science fiction, simply as reading recommendations, I suggest you go and read without expecting anything: you will be better surprised. A sentimental, sweet book (if the word is permissible): the optimistic version of Solaris and at the same time a curious portrait of the ideal of life in a precise time and place (the rural environment of the Midwest of the United States, which open without war or suffering to numerous extraterrestrial visitors). But, ah, that first book: a great novel of adventures and intrigues, set in a world imagined thoroughly from simultaneous speculations about culture, ecology, politics ...
And the same for you, Ricardo: I know you're an expert at Silverberg; What title (s) do you think top sci fi audiobooks are the most recommended for someone who is going to read science fiction for the first time?
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